The AAML affords members the opportunity to engage in high quality discussions of important issues in Family Law with the most experienced lawyers around. Through academic programs and social intercourse, the AAML provides settings to work with and learn from other recognized Family Law attorneys to improve one’s expertise while contributing to the betterment of Family Law in general.

Finally, membership in the AAML demonstrates recognition by one’s peers that you are one of the best Family Law practitioners in Wisconsin, and that you constantly are getting even better. You should want that on your resume or internet home-page.

How to Join

To be eligible for membership, you must devote a specified percentage of your practice to Family Law, you must have been in practice a certain minimum number of years, and you must meet other requirements.

For a complete description of the requirements and an application form, call the AAML national office at (312) 263-6477, or via e-mail. You can also send a postal inquiry to:

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
50 North Michigan Avenue Suite 2040
Chicago, IL 60601

Qualifications for Membership

  • Be recognized by the bench and bar in his or her jurisdiction as an expert practitioner in matrimonial law.
  • Admitted to bar 7 years, 75 percent specialization in matrimonial law, but subject to exception in certain geographic areas and other exceptional circumstances.
  • Have state family law certification if it exists. Where it doesn’t exist, must have completed 15 hours of continuing legal education in each of previous five years. Pass oral or written examination on wide- ranging issues pertaining to matrimonial and family law.
  • Be interviewed by a state board of examiners as well as be passed upon by other matrimonial law practitioners in the state.
  • Aspire to the ethical standards set forth in the “Bounds of Advocacy” as well as state bar rules of professional conduct.
  • Demonstrate involvement in study or improvement of matrimonial law, such as publishing articles or continuing education presentations.