Wisconsin Circuit Court Access
Provides public access to Wisconsin Circuit Courts records in the Consolidated Court Automation Programs (CCAP) which are open to public view under Wisconsin’s Open Records law.
Wisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Case Access (WSCCA)
Site provides public access to the status of appeals filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. Generally, the site includes appeals that were considered “Open” from the end of 1993 forward.
Wisconsin Counties Homepage Directory
This is area of the Wisconsin Counties Association web site provides direct access to the Web sites of select counties throughout the Badger State.
Wisconsin Revisor of Statutes Bureau
Site provides searchable access to Wisconsin statutes, acts, constitution, administrative code & register Supreme Court rules, Opinions of the Attorney General and town law forms.
Family Law Update
Free monthly e-newsletter published by AAML Fellow Atty. Gregg Herman, which offers commentary on Wisconsin specific family law topics, digests of family law cases around the nation and commentary from accountants, psychologists and other professionals related to family law issues.
Child Support Reports & Resources
Site is maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s Administration for Children and Families and posts forms, reports, publications, and other resources relevant to child support issues.
Vital Records Access
If you’re looking for vital records from any of the 50 states, you can gain quick access through this site maintained by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.