Carlton Stansbury

Counties of Practice
Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington, Ozaukee, Racine, and Kenosha.Past AAML & Organizational Positions
AAML Chapter President (2009-2010);State Bar of Wisconsin Family Law Section, Chair (2008-2009); Collaborative Family Law Counsel of Wisconsin, Inc., President (2004); American Bar Association Family Law Section Counsel (1998-2007), Co-Chair, CLE Committee (2004 to 2005), Financial Officer (2003 to 2004), Chair, Publications Development Board (1998 to 2003), Chair, Social Security Committee (1994-1998); Society of Family Lawyers, president (2003-2004); ABA Advisor to the Uniform Law Commission.Current Positions
Court Commissioner, Milwaukee County Circuit Court; AFCC Wisconsin Chapter President Elect; Editor, Wisconsin Journal of Family Law.Memberships
International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers; State Bar of Wisconsin, Collaborative Family Law Counsel of Wisconsin, Inc., Milwaukee Bar Association, Wisconsin Association of Mediators, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, Society of Family Lawyers, Ozaukee County Bar Association, Leander J. Foley Matrimonial Chapter of the American Inns of Court, Fellow, Wisconsin Law Foundation; Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.CLE Participation
"The UCCJEA: Judge in the Box – Basics and Beyond, " delivered to the Iowa State Bar Association 2014 Family Seminar, West Des Moines, Iowa, October 2014, "Social Security and Family Law, " delivered to the Oregon State Bar Association Family Law Annual Conference, Gleneden Beach, Oregon, October 2014; "Are We Reaching the Tipping Point? Arbitrating Custody Disputes," delivered to the 2010 National CLE Conference, Vail, Colorado, January 2010; "The Uniform Collaborative Law Act," panelist for the Hofstra Law Symposium Collaborative Law: Opportunities, Challenges and Questions for the Future, Hofstra University Law School, Hempstead, New York, November 2009; "Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcing Placement Across State Lines: Demystifying the New UCCJEA," delivered to the State Bar of Wisconsin 27th Annual Family Law Workshop, Door County, August 2008; "Privacy, Confidentiality and Privilege of Health Care Records and Psychotherapy Notes," delivered to the Joint Conference of the ABA Section of Family Law and the American Psychological Association 2008 Spring CLE Conference, Chicago, May 2008, "Determining Income for Owners of Pass through Business," delivered at the Office of Judicial Education Family Law Seminar, Green Bay, April 2008; "Hot Tip: Turning Subchapter S Income from Illusionary to Real," delivered to the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers 26th Annual Divorce Wisconsin Style, Milwaukee, March 2008; "Social Security Retirement and Disability: How it Works and How it Impacts Your Cases," delivered to the Wisconsin Family Court Commissioners Association Fall 2007 Conference, Rice Lake, Wisconsin, September 2007; Moderator, "Domestic Unions—Taking a Look at the Challenges and a Preview of What is on the Horizon," American Bar Association Section of Family Law 2005 Fall CLE Conference, San Diego, California, September 2005.Author
Book: The Family Law Practitioner's Guide to Social Security (ABA Family Law Section 1995, 2nd printing February 1996); Article: "Accessibility to a Parent's Psychotherapy Records in Custody Disputes: How Can the Competing Interests Be Balanced?" 28 Behavioral Sciences & the Law 522 (2010)Chapters: Creative Uses of Mental Health Professionals, and Prepare, Prepare, Prepare is Not Just for Trials, 101+ Practical Solutions for the Family Lawyer (3rd ed. ABA Family Law Section 2009); Chapter: Subchapter S Income for Support: Real or Illusionary?, 2008 FAMILY LAW UPDATE (Aspen Publishers 2008); Chapter: "Deviating from the Percentage Guidelines in High Income Cases: Formulating Persuasive Arguments," 1997 Wiley Family Law Update (Wiley & Sons, 1997); Chapter: Social Security Benefits: A Primer for the Family Lawyer, 1996 WILEY FAMILY LAW UPDATE (Wiley & Sons 1996) ; Article: "Discovery of Mental Health Records in Custody Disputes, " The Family Law Review, published by the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia, May 2005; Article: "Drafting Enforceable College Education Provisions in Settlement Agreements," 24 Wisconsin Journal of Family Law 111 (2004); Article: "When is Enough Enough? Maintenance Modification Due to Retirement," 21 Wisconsin Journal of Family Law 7 (2001); Article: "Deviating from the Percentages Guidelines in High Income Cases: Formulating Persuasive Arguments" 10 American Journal of Family Law 135 (1996).